My order didn't arrive on time even though I paid for overnight shipping. Will I get a refund?

If your guaranteed package is late, please call our customer service at 1-888-979-9343. We'll file a claim with the courier. If we get a refund from them, we'll pass it on to you.

If your package, which was guaranteed to arrive by a certain time, is delayed, please reach out to our customer service team at 1-888-979-9343. We will promptly initiate a claim with the delivery courier to address the delay. Upon filing the claim, we'll work on your behalf to secure a refund for the inconvenience caused. If we receive a refund from the courier, we will ensure that this amount is reimbursed to you. Our goal is to resolve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible, keeping you informed throughout the process.

Delays caused by bad weather conditions or customs clearance issues are unfortunately beyond our control, and as such, we are unable to offer refunds for these delays. These external factors can unpredictably affect transit times, and we appreciate your understanding in these circumstances.

On the other hand, if a delay occurs due to a mistake on our part, we will carefully review each case individually. Our approach to resolving such issues depends on the specific details of the situation and is determined at the discretion of UpFix. We are committed to ensuring fairness and satisfaction in how we address these incidents, aiming to rectify any errors in a manner that considers your needs and concerns.