I sent a pre-paid label with my order. Why wasn't it used for the return?

We understand the importance of timely returns. However, we have specific shipping processes in place to ensure the safe and secure delivery of all repaired parts. For consistency and tracking purposes, we use our own shipping labels. This allows us to closely monitor the delivery and ensure that the part reaches you without any issues. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in following our shipping procedures. If you have any concerns or need expedited shipping options, please contact our customer service team, and we'll do our best to assist you.

Similar Questions:

Why didn't you use my provided return shipping label?

  • We follow a standardized shipping process to ensure all parts are tracked and delivered safely. Using our own labels helps us manage and monitor shipments more effectively.

Can I use my own shipping label for the return?

  • For consistency and to ensure proper tracking, we use our own labels for all returns. This helps us maintain the integrity of our shipping process and ensures your part is handled with care.

Why was my provided shipping method not used?

  • We utilize our preferred shipping carriers and methods to ensure all parts are safely and reliably delivered. This allows us to track each shipment and address any potential issues more effectively.