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  2. Appliance
  3. HVAC/Furnace Control Board

How much does it cost to repair an HVAC/Furnace control board?

The cost to repair an HVAC/Furnace control board can vary depending on several factors, including the specific problem, the type of control board, and the service provider. On average, you can expect the following:

  1. Average Repair Costs: Typically, HVAC/Furnace control board repairs range from $150 to $400. The exact cost will depend on the extent of the damage and the complexity of the repair.

  2. Cost Savings with UpFix: UpFix offers repair services that can save you up to 80% compared to the cost of purchasing a new control board. This makes repairing your control board a much more affordable option.

  3. Factors Influencing Cost:

    • Type of Control Board: Different HVAC/Furnace systems use various control boards, and some may be more expensive to repair due to their complexity.
    • Extent of Damage: Minor issues such as blown fuses or simple component replacements will be less expensive than extensive repairs involving multiple components or circuit traces.
    • Service Provider: Prices can vary between repair service providers, so it's important to choose a reputable company like UpFix that offers competitive rates and reliable service.
  4. Additional Costs: In some cases, there might be additional costs for shipping the control board to the repair facility and for any necessary diagnostic fees. However, these are often minimal compared to the savings on the repair itself.

By choosing to repair your HVAC/Furnace control board with UpFix, you can enjoy significant cost savings and ensure your system is back to working order quickly and efficiently. Send your faulty control board to UpFix for a reliable and cost-effective repair solution. The process is fast and easy. Checkout our HVAC/Furnace control board repair page.